"L’art est le plus court chemin entre les êtres humains "

“Art is the shortest path between human beings“

Wasabi’s 3 axes

Public relations

Public relations cover all the techniques and actions used to manage the reputation and image of a company, brand, product, or project in the eyes of its various audiences.

Graphic design

Graphic design is used to build the identity of an organisation or company, or to communicate about its products or projects.

Sustainable consultancy

Environmental consulting involves specific knowledge and know-how in the field of sustainability and project management, in order to communicate, advise and raise awareness.


  • Communications project management.
  • Strategic advice and support: definition of audiences and messages, communications strategy and channels, planning, evaluation and proposals for improvement.
  • Corporate communication: communication and brand image management.
  • Document design: content management, adaptation, or popularization of texts. Graphic design, illustration, production management.
  • Digital: design and management of digital content, strategy.
Since 2003.

    “The quality of
    our communication
    is not determined by how we say things, but by how they are understood.”

    Andrew Grove


    “Communication is about understanding the listener”.

    The classic objectives of communication are :
    to inform ;
    inspire rather than influence;
    incite to act. I’d like to add a fourth point:
    for the common good!

    These are the essence of sustainable consulting and the values that drive me. Communication is essential, even if it doesn’t solve everything. It doesn’t guarantee a change in behaviour, but it does make it possible!

    About me

    Hello, my name is Samantha Schmidt, and I’m half Swiss, half Indonesian. I live on the Vaud Riviera, with my feet in the water and my head in the mountains.

    Involved for over 20 years, I’m working mainly on projects with a “positive impact” (public interest projects). A polyvalent graphic designer, my communication skills have been enriched over the years thanks to experience in the field and nearly 20 years of continuing education. I use the tools of public relations and sustainable development consulting to raise awareness and inform different types of audience. My knowledge of visual communication and community management gives me a good grasp of the world of tool design and the need for a sound strategy. I’m also an illustrator. Illustration brings a different dynamic to editorial content. It can be that little “extra” that illustrates a communication medium! I’ve had the opportunity to create a multitude of printed and digital communication supports, and I’d be delighted to share my Swiss army knife with you! I’m happy to meet your communication, graphic design and illustration needs. Got a project in mind? Let’s talk about it!

    Complete LinkedIn profile, Click here !

    Samantha Schmidt

    Project manager • graphic designer • illustrator


    Public relations specialist
    Sustainable development consultant
    Graphic designer and illustrator


    Community management & brand content
    Communication specialist


    Samantha Schmidt


    In pictures


    In detail

    Inspiring projects